ThreeOh DAO’s DeFi Debrief Series Kicks Off Today!

Lotto3 DAO
4 min readJul 7, 2022


ThreeOh DAO is excited to announce that the inaugural DeFi Debrief educational series will kick off today, July 7th! ThreeOh DAO is excited to present the Web3 community with an opportunity to hear directly from policy experts, and our DC team about the current regulatory discussions happening in DC.

The DeFi Debrief series will become a staple on the ThreeOh DAO calendar. This series will provide all Web3 community members with access to policy makers, policy experts, and regulators from across the Web3 space. As the DeFi Debrief series expands, ThreeOh DAO community members will be provided with opportunities for private round tables with policy makers to discuss potential regulatory paths, and the benefits for the Web3 community. As part of the ThreeOh DAO mission to be bridge the gap between Web3 users and policy makers, these series will create opportunities for those most affected by new regulations to help shape the Web3 policy landscape.

How Can I Participate?

There are multiple ways to participate in our DeFi Debriefs, with the simplest being a ThreeOh DAO community member. Community members will be provided with ample opportunities to ask important questions before the AMA’s that our team can respond to during the AMA.

Another way is to ask your questions during the DeFi Debrief by using the hashtag #defidebrief along with your question. Our moderators will be conducting real time reviews of questions posed by the community.

The final way is simply to participate in the AMA and request to be a speaker during the AMA. We will be taking live questions from our AMA audience in each DeFi Debrief. We believe it is important to have our experts, and future panel guests weigh in on the questions the community has.

Our Partners:

Regulations are coming for the Web3 space. For mass adoption to take place, protections are needed. ThreeOh DAO has lined up a number of partners within the Web3 lobbying space to help align goals of the users with the regulatory policy being created.

Web 3.0 PAC

“Web 3.0 PAC supports innovative candidates, who fully appreciate the transformative benefits of blockchain technology and champion policies to advance the Web 3.0 community”- Web 3.0 PAC.

The Web 3.0 PAC is collaborating with ThreeOh DAO. Political Action Committees are designed to collect donations from individuals, corporations, and other entities for the purpose of financing independent political activity and advocating for their cause.

The Web 3.0 PAC and ThreeOh DAO collaboration was recently written about in Politico, and highlights the underlying need for successful fundraising on behalf of the Web3 community.

Runway Strategies

“In today’s complex political environment, companies need trusted advisors in navigating how regulation and policy impact their business”- Runway Strategies.

Runway Strategies is the primary strategic communications lobby working with ThreeOh DAO. Runway Strategies is run by Dave Barmore, who previously worked on the policy team for Uber. Runway Strategies has significant experience working with hyper-growth companies navigating the intersection of business and policy.

Runway Strategies has provided ThreeOh DAO with a consistent voice on policy, and has helped our organization navigate the ins and outs of Web3 policy. They have also helped ThreeOh DAO create the DeFi Debrief series, and will be consistent guests in the future.


“Lobby3 is a new Web3 community designed to give the people a stronger voice in Washington, DC — so we can build a more prosperous economic future together”- Lobby3.

Lobby3 is a community DAO created by Andrew Yang to use the Web3 community to champion and fund humanist initiatives through DeFi crowdfunding. You can read why Mr. Yang decided to use the Web3 community here.

Lobby3 is taking on a number of initiatives, including advocating for favorable regulations for the Web3 space. Naturally their goals and vision aligned with the vision of ThreeOh DAO. By harnessing the fundraising power of the DeFi space and blockchain technology, the community can create a substantial impact on future of our web based society.

FS Vector:

“A strategic consulting firm for financial services clients in a rapidly evolving industry and complex regulatory environment. Since its inception, the firm has been dedicated to serving as a trusted partner at each stage of growth — from early stage ventures to global organizations”- FS Vector.

FS Vector is a leading financial technology lobby that uses their unique experience to help clients navigate the intersection business, finance, and regulatory policy. They provide advisory, advocacy, and subject matter expertise to facility custom training opportunities.

FS Vector is made up of regulatory and industry experts that provide valuable insight and developed understandings of regulatory jargon. This aides our community by providing us with simple terms for complex concepts so that we can better understand the regulations being pitched by policymakers. FS Vector also has spent years establishing excellent relationships with policymakers on Capitol Hill.



Lotto3 DAO

Lotto3 is an advocacy DAO with an exciting Community Rewards Program that uses VRF and automation for daily and monthly jackpots, plus second chance drawings.